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Imagery in Hemingway's Cat in the Rain - Essay Example A thump at the entryway gets the house keeper with a feline her hands which th...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes and technology that seeks to understand a companys customers. The WritePass Journal
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes and technology that seeks to understand a companys customers.  Introduction Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes and technology that seeks to understand a companys customers.  IntroductionHow to implement CRM(stages in implementing crm)Stage 2 Storing information(the early stage)Stage 3 Accessing information(the development stage)Stage 4 Analysing customer behaviour(the long term stage)Stage 5 Marketing more effectively(the final stage)Stage 6 Enhancing the customer experienceApplications and theories of CRM:CUSTOMER TOUCH POINTSAPPLICATIONSBulid Customer loyalty schemesDevelop customer confidencePrevent customer complaintsValue proposition development: ReferencesRelated  Introduction Customer relationship management (CRM) is a combination of people, processes and technology that seeks to understand a companys customers. It is an integrated approach to managing relationships by focusing on customer retention and relationship development. CRM has evolved from advances in information technology and organizational changes in customer-centric processes. Companies that successfully implement CRM will reap the rewards in customer loyalty and long run profitability.(injazz J. Chen, Karen Popovich, (2003) Understanding customer relationship management (CRM): People, process and technology, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 9 Iss: 5, pp.672 – 688) REALIZING BUSINESS BENEFITS THROUGH CRM: HITTING THE RIGHT TARGET IN THE RIGHT WAY 1Dale L. Goodhue University of Georgia Barbara H. Wixom University of Virginia Hugh J. Watson University of GeorgiaMany companies are in the early stages of implementing customer relationship management (CRM). Although CRM promises increased revenues, profits, and customer service, companies face potential failure because of the complex technical and organizational issues involved. Our research on CRM, and six company experiences in particular, illustrate three CRM â€Å"targets†that companies aim for: implement a single or a few applications, create a strong infrastructure to support CRM, or use CRM to transform the organization. These targets have very different impacts and different challenges, as reflected in six lessons: They differ on both costs and benefits; sponsorship varies; each suggests a different evolution for a CRM effort; prepare to get your hands dirty in cleaning the data; ensure that the architecture will scale; and you can (sometimes!) teach old dogs new tricks. (MIS Quarterly Executive Vol. 1 No. 2 / June 2002) Dell is one of the most successful and profitable computer corporation in history. it has been known for its innovative customer services and product custom configuration. With the passage of organization continues to develop, it is confronting with more challenging environment of retaining its customers and maintaining relationship with them and finding new ways of management in order to meet the needs/demand of the customers, we have to identify opportunities to maintain and increase the revenue through understanding of crm theories . The basic need of dell crm is to maintaining long-term relationship with customers as it is proved that gaining a new customer is expensive than retaining the current ones. The main objectives of crm theory are acquiring customer, adding loyalty, retention customers, adding value. Crm is the â€Å"process of creating and maintaining relationships with business customers/consumers (moon2003).†Michael dell with his limited resources started focusing on in enhancing sales instead of locking capital in production, the new idea presented by dell was â€Å"building to order.†At one stage of its progress dell used this strategy of selling products directly through retail outlets. But the outcome from the implemented strategy was very unprofitable then he realized just to focus on customers, service before â€Å"building to order† idea, people used to buy computers from retail out with no communications with manufactures only contact with sale person having lake of information regarding the product. Dell company is different from its competitors (HP, IBM, SONY, APPLE AND GATEWAY) because dell is focusing on tools like, CRM-SCM, as a result dell become leader in customer relationship management (CRM) and in supply chain management (CRM). Dell is profit able computer organization known for computer software, hardware, and making computer components. According to Dedrick and Kracker(2006), â€Å"dell is aiming to combine the cost advantages of horizontal specialization with close coordination of vertical integration.†How to implement CRM(stages in implementing crm) The implementation of a customer relationship management (CRM) strategy is best treated as a six-stage process, moving from collecting information about your customers and processing it to using that information to improve your marketing and the customer experience. Stage 1 Collecting information(pre-relationship stage) Clearly, questions and uncertainties abound. We have a long way to go in capturing a customer’s psyche. But to compete for customer satisfaction, firms must work harder to collect, distribute and use the right data.(by Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris and Ajay K. Kohli January 15, 2001) The priority should be to capture the information you need to identify your customers and categorise their behaviour. Those businesses with a website and online customer service have an advantage as customers can enter and maintain their own details when they buy. Stage 2 Storing information(the early stage) The most effective way to store and manage your customer information is in a relational database a centralised customer database that will allow you to run all your systems from the same source, ensuring that everyone uses up-to-date information. Stage 3 Accessing information(the development stage) With information collected and stored centrally, the next stage is to make this information available to staff in the most useful format. Stage 4 Analysing customer behaviour(the long term stage) Using data mining tools in spreadsheet programs, which analyse data to identify patterns or relationships, you can begin to profile customers and develop sales strategies. Stage 5 Marketing more effectively(the final stage) Many businesses find that a small percentage of their customers generate a high percentage of their profits. Using CRM to gain a better understanding of your customers needs, desires and self-perception, you can reward and target your most valuable customers. Stage 6 Enhancing the customer experience Just as a small group of customers are the most profitable, a small number of complaining customers often take up a disproportionate amount of staff time. If their problems can be identified and resolved quickly, your staff will have more time for other customers. Applications and theories of CRM: Crm is a vital element of business success. whenever there a contact with customers you get an opportunity to improve your standing or in simpler words we can say that it’s a vital platform to gain reputation .this act will result in increase of further sales. It is not only contact that we talk of is necessary for sales, in broader terms , almost every aspect of your business affects the way your customers view your business. There are also specific programs you can put in place to increase your levels of customer care. Relationship marketing is concerned with how organizations manage and improve their relationships with customers for long-term profitability. Customer relationship management (CRM), which is becoming a topic of increasing importance in marketing, is concerned with using information technology (IT) in implementing relationship marketing strategies. This paper reports on a study of the adoption and use of CRM in the financial services sector. In particular, the key elements of CRM are examined in these organizations and executives perceptions of the main IT components that enable responsive CRM are explored. CRM is classified into five stages of sophistication and a framework for CRM adoption is developed. (Authors: Ryals L.; Payne A). ( Journal of Strategic Marketing, Volume 9, Number 1, 1 March 2001 , pp. 3-27(25) CUSTOMER TOUCH POINTS Every time when company/organization come in contact with customer. Touch point is the first ever concept of crm. with touch points company can measure the effectiveness of their brand. Dell uses touch point, the most important step for hitting the target customers was dell launched online store ’dell. Com. people using interest was dell target customers, the online store successfully in achieving their goal but the most important was to match the sales channels with supply channels, it was also done by model implemented by dell. APPLICATIONS The information(data) which organization gathers from customers data base by using their crm software, n how organization used that information to target them with right type of crm. Dell used to do the data mining of there customer according to the transaction they made. Data collection(acquiring customer) crm involves customer information , It explains how you can use customer contact, feedback and loyalty schemes to retain existing customers, increase your sales to them and even win new customers. It also covers how to prepare for receiving a customer complaint. Dell collected customer data through designed database software and generate promotional campaigns targeting customers interests and products which reserved in increase in profit because right customer was targeting with right product demand. Dell used software to increase the relationship marketing. HOTLINK, used in â€Å"effective targeting, efficient marketing communication, And real-time monitoring of customers and market trends†‘(moon2003).. ‘premier pages’ second type of software used by the dell wad ‘premier pages’ for more profitable customers containing purchase data. The main theme behind ‘premier pages; was â€Å"gain less information about customers. They already know about them and more to create real win-win situation†(levey,1999) The progress of the company based on crm-scm implementation strategy. Dell created strong relationship with customer as well as with the suppliers. The function of scm was to make sure the availability of computer Part on time, when and where required .dell managed efficient and effective scm system to fulfil the demand of the customer.  Customer satisfaction model â€Å"we have an efficient cost structure with customers on one hand and suppliers on other†.(rollin,nov17,2006) satisfied customers will contribute to your business for years, through their purchases and through recommendations and referrals of your business. Bulid Customer loyalty schemes While good overall service is the best way of generating customer loyalty, sometimes new relationships can be strengthened, or old ones refreshed, using customer loyalty schemes. These are programmes that use fixed or percentage discounts, extra goods or prizes to reward customers for behaviour that benefits your business. They can also be used to persuade customers to give you another try if you feel you have successfully tackled past problems with your customer service. Develop customer confidence Your existing customers are among the most important assets of your business they have already chosen you instead of your competitors. Keeping their custom costs far less than attracting new business, so its worth taking steps to make sure that theyre satisfied with the service they receive. There are a number of techniques dell employ to gain customer confidence, including: Dell providing a free customer helpline Dell answering frequently asked questions on your website Dell following up sales with a courtesy call Dell providing free products that will help customers look after or make the most of their purchases Dell sending reminders when services or check-ups are due Dell offering preferential discounts to existing customers on further purchases Prevent customer complaints Every business has to deal with situations in which things go wrong from a customers point of view. if you handle the complaint successfully, your customer is likely to prove more loyal than if nothing had gone wrong people willing to complain are rare your complaining customer may be alerting you to a problem experienced by many others who silently took their custom elsewhere dell sympathetically listen to establish the details of the complaint dell record the details together with relevant material, such as a sales receipt or damaged goods dell offering rectification whether by repair, replacement or refund dell used to do appropriate follow-up action, such as a letter of apology or a phone call to make sure that the problem has been made good. Determinents of crm Trust : trust is the most important determinant of crm ,for gaining the  trust of customers the first thing need to do the market research or market survey, what other company is providing and what is the response of the customer, by doing market research company get to know about the behaviour of the customer understand customer behaviour which in turn gives the information of needs and demands of the customers, Existing customer relationships are opportunities to increase sales because your customers will already have a degree of trust in your recommendations. Dell is the one of the organization focuses on crm determinants to enhance their revenue, â€Å"To retain your customers trust, however, never try to sell them something that clearly doesnt meet their needs.†(the chartered institute of marketing), businesslink.gov.uk/ value : Its is the most important determinant of crm, What makes your customers valuable? Analysing your customers allows you to identify those who best fit your business priorities. These will depend on your strategy. For example, if you are launching a new product your aim might be to build sales as quickly as possible. But if you have cashflow problems you might value customers who pay quickly. Value chain model concept introduce by porter in 1985. Its basically value added to the product in order to maximize the satisfaction from customer point of view and maximize the profit from producers point of view,  Collecting data from customers.   Use of touch points.   Through internet.   Premier pages.  Hotlink website launched  Saas crm   Sales force crm. Primary stages 1. Customer portfolio, Collecting data from customers through use of main touch points = internet(dell.com)for internet users, created premier page for old customers and  hotlink website launched, then divide the customers into segments of small ,medium and large enterprises. The graph shows the relationship between customer intimacy and ability to compete,ability to compete is directly propotional to customer intimacy. the more organization knows their customer and implement crm the more ability to compete in the competitive market and focus more on the customer value proposition. Dell started to implement,   Operational Crm.  Saas crm  Salesforce crm. OPERATIONAL CRM Operational crm Focuses on automation of the customer facing processes of the business, such as selling, marketing, customer service. The basic concept of behind dell crm was operational crm i.e.to sell the product needed by customer directly without involving the middle way. Dell customer ranges from small business to multinational companies, from individual to institutional organization like schools and hospitals CLOUD COMPUTING DELL SAAS Dell launched new portfolio software name; software –as-a-service. This crm application implemented for small and large enterprises. With this software overall cost of IT declines and make easier than customize the IT management .it offers very flexible and minimum cost for users to quickly arrange the application and managed the services the need for the achievements of superior IT business impact. This application is not only cost effective but also minimizes the complexity in managing IT infrastructure which resulted in organiZE distribution, security preparedness for any kind of disaster etc. This service manage three main infrastructures areas, 1 management of distribution device. 2 remote infrastructure monitoring. 3  continuity and companies’ management. SALE FORCE CRM Is another effective alternative way to meet non static demand of business. This is also cost effective way of procuring new application. sales force crm and saas and other solutions are becoming more attractive in business world day by day. RAPID IMPLEMENTATION In actual there is no installation of software with sales force so there is no need of IT resources ,just adding application of users allocating them their passwords and user id.it is ease of use required only basic training. IT impact is very low but deliver high impact in business. Dell forecasting or activities relate to future results and events Network development(SCOPE) Major network’s in any business are,  Suppliers network,  Distribution network, Suppliers of dell is ups and Dhl, Ups â€Å"we ups will pick it up, repair it and sent it to your customer.†Owner : Micheal dell is the owner and CEO of the company. Partners: dell got partnership with Sony and Intel. Employee: staff working in offices n in customer services department, Staff spreaded all over the world. Value proposition development: Dell is providing value added services beyond simply installing software, Value=benefit/sacrifices Sacrifices: Money, search and psychic cost dell is providing dell voucher and coupons, just need to note the code of product you need, every week codes and offers updated. Best deals for already dell customer is Dell data safe local basic which is special offer free to safe back up of important data in pc. Manage the customer life cycle. For managing dell customers life cycle dell focuses on three major management activities. Acquisition Dell users services of web bank to new qualified customer whose credit being approved. Retention of customers Current customers are your gold dust, but if youve let customers go, its cheaper and easier to look at that old base before you start with brand new people especially if you once had a good relationship with them,( Small Business Update Issue 62,feb 2009) In case of dell it focuses more on retention of customers and improving and relationship with customers. Three main improving techniques the company revealed for retention of its most valuable customers are, 1. the time management, precision and accuracy in delivering the order. 2. perfection in performance of the product needed by customer and providing necessary service even after sales if needed by the customer. 3. providing technical support. For the sake of retention of customers company announces the post of crm director to look after the departments mentioned above. CRM director gathered all the data from respective departments and resolved the unattended issues, the outcome according to mr . Desist, â€Å"dell reported an increase in customer satisfaction by 15%.†Supporting conditions, Leadership and culture, Micheal dell is the leader of Dell Corporation. He adopts change in pc world. He took inspirational step. He has responsibility  for whole organization culture transformation by dell is transforming pc world from ordinary shop to online customize pc world in which customers can make their own choice of pc. CRM strategies used to drive performance. Before the emergence of crm traditionaqlly used sales tech was jst retail out let,pople got no information without visiting the market. The people are those gtting bnefit are customer,mployee n business Dell discovered the concept of  involvement of a customer in building a specific computer and delivery it directly the customer. Dell used three ways of software that assists the dell,  Marketing automation software.   Designed web page showing purchase data   A system than enhancing sales, marketing of dell. Dell designed scm system that excusal involves activities from origin to thr destinations. The direct customer focused concept reserved in dell’s competitive advantage. Objectives of Dell â€Å"To be the most successful computer company in the world at delivery the best customer experience†. (dell.com) Result after using crm Dell main attention was on customers implemented relationship management (crm).Crm theories in formulation of business as a result dell is leading the way Getting all APAC back to number one, when dell was searching for agency partner the needed to consolidate communication, for every aspect of their business, B2C (business to customer) or b2b (business to business) B2C†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.services†¦..support. B2B†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.data†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..digital. Retail           strategic council Euro RSCG was chosen to deliver .thanks to on powerful integrated solution, they improved workflow efficiency reducing costs time to market They created uniquely, flexible partnership developed in course for last 10 years With this partnership dell created regional centre (hub) focuses on the world market delivering its services depending on market revenue condition.At the heart of this relation powerful agency team quickly build deep/insight of understanding remarkable and creative relationship with target, market share, demand, revenue and brand profile. The agency that was build generate everything i.e form demand planning, Sales conversion and profitability forecasting including             of the third party random funding. through the course of each campaign integrated agency terms were able to quickly pin point which executive media were most effective in driving demand and adjust messaging? Results Even better results 129% increase in call volume And match by sales in SE Asia. Our work for dell’s first ever customize campaign for Chinese New Year delivered significant increases highest recorded calls taken 1167 se Asia Also by an improve time to market at the end(7 days). Also dell launched into physical retail space, Retail outlets opened=54. South Korea, Thailand, Japan, china Malaysia and Singapore assisting with the concept and design of retail side and work to drive with force.Our partnership across Asia pacific produce remarkable (APAC) result, more specific/notable Result Ever last five year dell net revenue increase b/w $30 to $60 million. Increase in product shipment or improve in product shipment about 250% in SE. Business 50% over the Industry by average critical figure for dell cost per box sold over the last two years reduce -41%(Asia) while increase in revenue . Do it in ur own wordings according to the upper diagram According to recent research by IDC dell haS won package share of business customer of dell user will consider to by dell next time. Dell off user will consider †¦Dell next time the buy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Dell is brand they 61%   94.8%.63.1%.of dell users believe                                           Business users of dell †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.in the offices. Dell users believe# dell is a brand the trust. 94.8% of business user use dell in their offices. Dell is now back on top, it is proved that, when you want to achieve winning results base on work with a winning partner(euro RSCG worldwide).Dell toped analyst assessment both on profit and sale.Idea was built a computer and Sell directly to a consumer ,illuminating the reselling mark-up ,illuminating the excessive mark ups company likes ,IBM, that is what wants the company into successful .Micheal deLl started his business in 1984 his uncomplicated business model generate growth of 70 to 80% for the 7 straight years. The company has growing 40 t0 50% annually and projecting revenue for this year is 7 billion dollars. The environment of ours condusive to the company like dell growing the easy access to the                       and gradual growth every year that is the natural resource. The relationship with customers begin when customer order pc. Pc made after order according to choice and demand of Customer.so, Company interacts the customers at very first step. Dell staff gets complete demographic information of its customer at very early stage. They know how to maintain trade relationship with them according to their needs and demands. By using and implementation of crm system ,dell deliver best possible customer experience â€Å"dell introduces the latest relevant technology mush more quickly than companies with slow moving indirect distributions channels, Turning over inventory every four days an average†(dell.com) Following are the statements dell is expecting in near future. Dell ability To further improve their performance in finances and other operations. Dell ability to Controlling outflows of cash that is to control the cost. Dell ability to focus more on to generate non-us revenue. Dell ability to cope with internal environmental changes (staff shortage ). Dell ability to ensure customer the fulfilment of customers demands more efficiently. Dell ability to cope with external environmental changes e.g. Technological change Economy (foreign currency exchange rate, recession, interest rate). political invitations. Taxation. The overall internal and external environmental changes means, How accommodative the values and strategies of dell are with the changing environment and how friendly the govt are with changing technology? sure better services and enhancing the sales customer’s relationships we have an efficient cost structure with customers on one hand and suppliers on other†.(rollin,nov17,2006) Dell was first introduce by Michael dell in 1983.the idea as explained by founder of the company was in early days Companies was focusing on producing Every part of the computers .with the stabilization of industry companies focused more on to prepare other items to maker their own computers at this point of stage References This article was published in Small Business Update Issue 62,feb 2009(How to win back old customers) by Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris and Ajay K. Kohli January 15, 2001)
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tips on How to Set College Goals
Tips on How to Set College Goals Having goals in college can be a great way to stay focused, motivate yourself, and keep your priorities in order when things get stressful and overwhelming. But just how can you set your college goals in a way that sets you up for success? Think About Your End Goals What kind of goals do you want to achieve during your time in school? These goals can be large (graduate in 4 years) or small (attend a study session for chemistry once a week for at least a month). But having a main goal in mind is the first, and perhaps most important step, in setting realistic goals. Be Specific With Your Goals Instead of Do better in Chemistry, set your goal as Earn at least a B in Chemistry this term. Or better yet: Study at least an hour a day, attend one group study session a week, and go to office hours once a week, all so that I can earn a B in Chemistry this term. Being as specific as possible while setting your goals can help make your goals as realistic as possible- meaning youll be more likely to achieve them. Be Realistic About Your Goals If you barely passed most of your classes last semester and are now on academic probation, setting a goal of earning a 4.0 next semester is probably unrealistic. Spend some time thinking about what makes sense for you as a learner, as a student, and as a person. If youre not a morning person, for example, setting the goal of waking up at 6:00 a.m. every morning to hit the gym is probably not realistic. But setting the goal of getting in a good workout after your Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon Shakespeare class probably is. Similarly, if youve been struggling with your academics, set reasonable goals that focus on helping you make progress and improve in ways that seem reachable. Can you leap from a failing grade last semester to an A this semester? Probably not. But you can aim to improve to, say, at least a C if not a B-. Think About a Realistic Timeline Setting goals within a time frame will help you set deadlines for yourself. Set goals for a week, a month, a semester, each year (first-year, sophomore year, etc.), and graduation. Every goal you set for yourself, too, should have some kind of time frame attached. Otherwise, youll end up putting off what you need to do since theres no deadline by which you promised yourself youd reach your goal. Think About Your Personal and Intellectual Strengths Setting goals can be challenging for even the most driven, determined college students. If you set yourself up to do things that are a bit too challenging, however, you can end up setting yourself up for failure instead of for success. Spend some time thinking about your own personal and intellectual strengths. Use your strong organization skills, for example, to create a time management system so you stop pulling all-nighters every time you have a paper due. Or use your strong time management skills to figure out which co-curricular commitments you need to cut in order to focus more on your academics. In essence: use your strengths to find ways to overcome your weaknesses. Translate Your Strengths Into Details Using your strengths- which everyone has, so dont sell yourself short!- is the best way to get from idea to reality. When setting goals, then, use your strengths to make sure you: Have a plan and a way to get there. What is your goal? What specific things are you going to do to reach it? By when?Have a way to check your progress. How will you know if your goal is working? When will check in with yourself to see if youre making the smaller steps you need to take along the route to reaching your big goal?Have a way to hold yourself accountable. What will happen if you dont do what you promised yourself youd do? What will you change?Have a way to adapt to change. Inevitably, something will happen that will throw a wrench in your plans. So what will you do to adjust to change? Being too strict with your goals can be counterproductive, too, so make sure youre flexible.Have rewards built in along the way. Dont forget to reward yourself for reaching mini-goals along the way to reaching your big goals! Setting and working toward goals takes major work and dedication. Reward yourself to keep your motivation up and to, well, just be nice to yourself. Because who doesnt like a little recognition, right?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Part A Analyse the leadership and followership styles found in the Essay
Part A Analyse the leadership and followership styles found in the animated film The Lion King, produced by Walt Disney in 1994 - Essay Example Furthermore, the focus of the paper is to evaluate the leadership style in accordance to the followership style. This will help in understanding the leadership style and the implications which is impossible without the support of the followers. It will not be incorrect to note that the leadership styles are evident in the movie Lion King in different characters. The characters that have shown the leadership styles include Mufasa, Simba, and Scar while followership styles are evident from hyenas (the outsiders), Timon and Pumbaa. Before examining the leadership traits within the context of different characters of Lion King, it is imperative that the sources of leadership and meaning are clearly understood. In simpler and precis manner, leadership can be defined as a power to bring about changes or selecting the flow of the beliefs of followers. Power or leadership cannot be achieved without having the traits which it takes to undergo change and bring motivation for the employees1. The re are typically five sources of the power which are evident in the movie Lion King as well. As per the theory presented by French and Raven, a leader is able to provide reward to its employees. This is merely to provide a token of value to the followers by the leaders2. This aspect is visible from the movie Lion King through the depiction of Scar’s character (Where Scar is a brother of Mufasa). ... The significance behind reward is because it motivates the followers. It has also been noted in many instances of the movie that as soon as Scar becomes the leader, he stopped providing reward to his followers. The aspect of reward is further explained in terms of types. The two types of rewards would be coercive and reward power. In the first type, the leaders are actually looked upon as someone who has settled the standards for the followers where they can be provided with a reward4. On the other hand, the second type coercive gives an idea that it depends upon a leader to settle punishments. In the context of the movie, this is evident from the context of Scar’s character where he promised his followers hyenas to provide them with food and reward them and if they will not follow Scar then they will be put to death ultimately. This shows that Scar has made use of the coercive power in order to dictate the hyenas. Talking about the followership styles, the movie has projected Timon and Pumbaa as the best followership supporting leadership. The character of Simba in particular has been projected with Timon and Pumbaa throughout the movie. In this case, it should be noted that Timon and Pumbaa have shown themselves to be reliant, energetic and intellectual followers. As an example, Timon and Pumbaa go to the Pride Rock with Simba because they knew that was more significant then living the ways they have been in the forest. This concludes that a leadership process is a two way in nature i.e. the followers can help the leaders become successful in their approach5. Also to note is the fact that Timon and Pumbaa show no vying for attaining leadership which means that they have been extremely
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Hormonal dysfunction of preeclampsia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Hormonal dysfunction of preeclampsia - Essay Example Pre-eclampsia is found to occur most commonly in young first-time pregnant women, first pregnancies with a new partner and in pregnant women over the age of thirty-five (Lloyd & Lewis, 1999). Several complications can arise during pregnancy. Some of these complications may be easy to manage, but there are several problems that are associated with pregnancy that are life threatening to the mother or foetus or both. Management of life threatening complications has improved due to the advances in the knowledge of the complications and through the advances in medical science and technology. However, the possibility of the development of life threatening complications have increased, with women delaying their first pregnancy and facing the risk of complications in pregnancy that are brought on by increase in age, obesity, hypertension and a variety of other disorders(Crafter, 1999). The common disorders that create complications in pregnancy include cardiac, respiratory, renal haematological, metabolic, infectious, neurological and autoimmune conditions (Lloyd & Lewis, 1999). Pre-eclampsia continues to be a cause of serious concern in the developed world, as it is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the mother and foetus. The reason why this high rate of morbidity and mortality continues to persist with pre-eclampsia in spite of the advances of medical science is the lack of clear knowledge on several aspects of the disease. This lack of proper knowledge has led to differing perspectives on the definition of the disease, its classification and pathophysiology and effective treatment (Boulanger & Flamant, 2007). Chappell et al, 1999, reviewing literature on pre-eclampsia found that there is seldom any uniformity in the definition of pre-eclampsia. Since hypertension and proteinuria are easily measured, from a practical perspective they have become yardsticks for defining pre-eclampsia, but the problem with this is that the increase in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Nursing Theorist Grid Essay Example for Free
Nursing Theorist Grid Essay 1. Theorist Selected: Florence Nightingale 2. Description of key points of the theory: Components of Nightingale’s philosophy, now recognized as a theory, are Environment, Person, Health, and Nursing (Bolton, 2010). Nightingales Canons are as follows: Ventilation, and warming-â€Å"Keep the air he breathes as pure as the external air, without chilling him†Health of houses- â€Å"Five essential points in securing the health of houses: pure air, pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness, and light.†Petty management- â€Å"Not knowing how to manage that what you do when you are there, shall be done when you are not there. †Noise-â€Å"Unnecessary noise, or noise that creates an expectation in the mind, is that which hurts the patient.†Variety – change the walls or ceilings instead of the patient having to look at the same thing day in and day out. Taking food and what food-Patients should eat regularly and the proper diet (pureed, clear or full liquid). Bed and bedding-bedding must be clean and patients should not be laying on bunched up bedding Light-light and sunlight present, patient should not be kept in the dark Cleanliness of rooms and walls-clean areas for the patient to reside in Personal cleanliness-the skin is the body’s greatest barrier to infection and it must be kept clean Chattering hopes and advices- honesty and do not provide false hopes Observation of the sick-changes in status must be noticed immediately and reported to the proper person (Nightingale, 1860) 3. Theory’s historical background: At age 17 Nightingale believed she was called by God into his service to help mankind. She had great compassion and sympathy for people of all types. She suffered in silence for years because it was improper for someone of her social status to be involved with actual physical work and her greatest desire was to help the truly poor. She fought with her family for years before they finally allowed her to go to Germany to the Institution of Deaconessess to study nursing. She studied there for three months and returned home. Two years later she was allowed to practice nursing. After her travel to Scutari to care for wounded soldiers during the Crimean War, she developed her nursing theory. She felt there was a need to define nursing and reform hospital environments rather than provide new nursing knowledge. She is the founder of modern nursing because of her work in nursing and nursing education. She started a school of nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in England. Nightingale clarified that nursing knowledge is distinct from medical knowledge. Complete the following grid based on the selected theorist information. Define each term according to the selected theorist. Explain how the selected theorist’s approach to each element of the metaparadigm applies to the following: Nursing practice- Nightingale identified the metaparadigm of nursing: person, environment, health, and nursing. It is the role of the nurse to modify the environment in a way to obey natural laws, by that providing an environment in which perfection could be achieved. The environmental aspects of Nightingale’s theory (ventilation, warmth, quiet, diet, and cleanliness) remain to be integral components of nursing care. Utilization of Nightingale’s theory helps the nurse have a beginning focal point and allows the nurse to view the client as an individual who interacts with and lives in an environment that may or may not be beneficial to optimal health (Bolton, 2010). Nursing education- Nursing is a work of art and science. Nightingale was the first to suggest that nurses be specially educated and trained for their position in health care. This allowing standards of care in the field of nursing, which improves overall healthcare of patients. Nightingale’s principles of Nurse training provided a custom plan for early nurse training school beginning with St. Thomas Hospital. Nightingale believed that all nurses should be well educated and practice independently. She used brief case studies in her teachings. Nightingale encouraged independence of nursing school from the hospital to safeguard students from becoming involved in the labor pool as part of their training. Good practice can only result from good education. Nursing research- Nightingale’s interest in scientific inquiry and statistics continues to define the scientific inquiry used in nursing research (Alligood Tomey, 2010). Nightingales concepts served as the groundwork for research to test modern theories. â€Å"She established a firm tradition of basing nursing practice on carefully collected and analyzed data, the forerunner of today’s evidence-based practice emphasis†(Fitzpatrick Kazer, 2011, pp. 377-379). Her empirical approach to solving problems was visible from her work. Nightingale used a convincing argument with statistics, whereby she compared the mortality rates of soldiers in wartime military and nonmilitary situations with civilian men of comparable age. She invented the polar-area or pie-chart diagrams where each wedge was brightly colored to represent certain conditions. Term Definition Person Nightingale focused on the person as the recipient of nursing care (Selanders, 2010). She believed that nurses should focus on the patient and their needs, not the disease in which they are stricken with. She knew that people were multidimensional and wrote about their biological, psychological, social and spiritual requirements. Nightingale emphasized that people had reparative powers and that the nurses duty was to facilitate these forces with the means of returning people to health. (Selanders, 2010) Health Nightingale defined health as â€Å"able to use well every power we have to use.†Nightingale viewed disease is a correctable process. Nightingale contemplated the maintenance of health through prevention of disease by environmental control and social responsibility. What she described led to â€Å"public health nursing and the more modern concept of health promotion (Bolton, 2010, Chapter 5, Nightingaless Philosophy in Nursing Practice). Nursing The work of nursing is described as putting â€Å"the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him†highlighting fresh air, light, warmth, cleanliness, quiet, and the proper diet. Kindness and touch should also be included. Nursing is a spiritual calling. Three types of nursing include nursing proper (nursing the sick), general nursing (health promotion) and midwifery nursing. Nursing is specifically different and separate from medicine. The work of nursing is so important that it should be thought of as a religious vow. Nightingale did not set out to develop a conceptual model of nursing, however, her writings contain the elements needed for nursing theories, a clear conceptualization of the client, nursing goals, and nursing interventions (Fitzpatrick Kazer, 2011, pp. 377-379). Environment The environment is the main priority in Nightingales theory. She clearly pointed out that clean environment, fresh air, warmth, noise control and management of wastes and odors were all ways that the environment could be altered to improve conditions so that nature could act to cure the patient (Selanders, 2010). She realized that internal and external environment controls were both paramount to the progress of the patients healing. She also knew that properly prepared food and clean water are also necessary to a patient’s healing process. References Alligood, M. R., Tomey, A. M. (2010). Nursing Theorists and Their Work (7th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences. Bolton, K. (2010). Nursing Theory: Utilization and Application (4th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection Database. Fitzpatrick, J. J., Kazer, M. (2011). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Nightingale, F. (1860). Notes on Nursing: What it is, and what it is not. : J.B. Lipincott Company. Sealanders, L. C. (2010, March). The Power of Environmental Adaptation. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 28(1), 81-88
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Technological Advances Threaten Privacy Essay -- Argumentative Persuas
Technological Advances Threaten Privacy The year is 2004. By now, our technology is so advanced that we’ve built robots to do common daily tasks for us. To many people, all of this technology seems like a dream come true. What they don’t realize is that the magnitude of complex technology can go the other way as well. The Internet is a cyber jungle filled with a lot of hunters, and even more prey. Just by hooking ourselves in with all of this new technology we have threatened our privacy. With the click of a mouse, almost anyone can gain access to personal information for just about anyone. While technology causes serious threats to privacy, there are several ways to help prevent against these threats. At the top of the list though is the threat through Internet and wireless technology. A hacker may be able to enter a system and tamper with important files that might be essential. Important information can be found in the system that may end up threatening ones privacy. There are some precautions, however, that may be taken in order to prevent this invasion of one’s privacy. Setting up proxy-firewalls on the computer is a good way. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) also helps, which is designed to keep confidentiality to a wired network; however, â€Å"WEP provides a bare minimal level of security that can deter casual snooping"(Wikipedia). Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technological innovation enabled to track objects and relay information with unique serial numbers across the world. Corporate implementation of RFIDs increases logistic efficiency, but also creates a medium of information from the consumer to their retail counterparts, without their ability to control personal information being exposed (Albright A... ... age and how to protect your family. Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2004. * Dipert, Brian. "READING BETWEEN THE LINES: RFIDs confront the venerable bar code. " Edn 14 Oct. 2004: 48-50,52,54,56,58. * Hamilton, Anita. Camera Phones. Time Magazine. 20 November 2004. <http://www.time.com/time/2003/inventions/invphones.html>. * Napolitano , Jo. â€Å" Hold It Right There, and Drop That Camera.†New York Times. 11 December 2003: Circuits. * O'Reilly, John. An Employer's Guide to Surveillance, Searches & Medical Examination. Toronto: Thomson Canada Limited, 2003. * "President Bush Signs Identity Theft Legislation." Whitehouse.gov. 4 December 2003. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/12/20031204-2.html> [20 November 2004]. * Rieter, Allan. Reiter’s camera phone report. 20 November 2004. < http://www.wirelessmoment.com/security_camera_phones/>. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Saving Sourdi Summary Essay
Analysis character †Nea of Saving Sourdi†by May-Lee Chai â€Å"Saving Sourdi†by May-Lee Chai, theme discusses a classic plot of the metamorphosis from childhood to adulthood. In her story, the two main characters Sourdi and Nea develop in stark contrast to one another. Nea, the younger sister, has difficulty growing up and maturing as her own life, as well as her sister’s life, progresses. Her naivety, aggression, and anxiety influence her decisions throughout the story in a negative way. Chai’s character is easily believable and relatable, everyone has had a point in their lives where they didn’t want to grow up, handled a situation poorly, or realized that their relationship with someone has changed drastically to the point of no repair. Nea, the protagonist in â€Å"Saving Sourdi†, is a tragic hero. We experience her attempts at protecting her sister and watch as they fail time and time again. Nea is a flat and static character. Throughout the story she does not change, she remains childish in her act ions and decisions. Their mother addresses this issue early on by saying, â€Å"You not thinking. That your problem. You always not think!†(Chai 70) Chai does not show us another side to Nea making her a flat character. We see her in the same light despite the life lessons she experiences in this short story. Nea is the same drastic, hardheaded child in the beginning as she is in the end. Growing and maturing is crucial in life. Some people, however, suffer from a sort of Peter Pan Syndrome. Nea can be described as an impulsive, strong-willed, and selfish adolescent who will never truly grow up. The family has never had it easy, always having to work and tolerate prejudice due to their foreign culture. Nea was forced to become a fighter early on no matter the situation. If she was a mature character, she could distinguish between when it was most sensible to simply avoid confrontation and back down. Nea is extremely protective of Sourdi. Her desire to fend for her â€Å"China Doll†sister (69) is the stem of all her decisions throughout the story. Sourdi is the prettier and more desirable sister. Chai highlights the incongruity of the sisters’ looks by solely depicting Sourdi’s beauty. By depicting Sourdi as a China Doll so early in the story when the two men are harassing her in the family’s restaurant, Chai sets us up to believe that she needs defending and isn’t strong enough to do it herself. Nea thoroughly believes that is her role in life. As the plot progresses, however, it is easy to see that Sourdi is in fact quite strong and unbreakable. As Nea interacts with the other characters, she is always brash and rarely takes the time to understand their side of a situation. In many cases, she lies to manipulate people and her situation to achieve her selfish goals. Nea fakes her remorse about attacking the customer just to please her sister: â€Å"I was glad I’d stabbed that man. I was only crying because life was so unfair.†(72) When Nea needs to find a way to Sourdi’s home she lies to Duke about the severity of the situation because she knows deep down that it is not as bad as she wants to believe. If Sourdi was in trouble, it would ultimately mean that Nea could get her sister back. Nea fabricates this story to make up for the loss she felt when Sourdi moved on and abandoned her. She would rather believe that it was someone else who caused her sister to mature and move on than to believe it was her own fault or that it was Sourdi’s choice. â€Å"I would stay awake all night pinching the inside of Sourdi’s arm, the soft flesh of her thigh, to keep my sister from falling asleep and leaving me alone.†(72) Although her overall purpose at a glance is for Sourdi’s safety, her true ambition is wanting to keep her sister all to herself. During the story, May Lee Chai Saving Sourdi paints a picture of two extremely close sisters who have been put to the test. The pair has been relocated, put to work, and expected to mature quickly in their harsh new world. Nea is the narrator of the story, and she shares: â€Å"We used to say that we’d run away, Sourdi and me.†(72) The sisters would whisper their secrets back and forth at night, and lock themselves in the bathroom together and hide away together. As children the girls were inseparable but soon the age difference comes between them. Sourdi finds comforts in her first romance with a dishwasher, Duke, and slowly but surely Nea is left by the wayside. This distance is increased when Mr. Chhay is introduced and Nea quickly realizes that her sister is being severed from her life: â€Å"It was the beginning of the end. I should have fought harder then. I should have stabbed this man, too.†(75) In America, everyone is supposed to be equal. People are s upposed to be able to have the â€Å"American Dream†and have a successful career as well as support a family without any trouble despite race, age, gender, or any other factors. In Ma and Sourdi’s eyes, however, they have seen their traditional culture and are still tied to those beliefs instead. Nea is much more Americanized than the other two women. Ma works very hard to support her children and in an effort to give Sourdi a better life, she makes sure she marries someone who can support her financially instead of someone like Duke who may not be as financially successful. Although she is unhappy, Sourdi understands her role and obeys her elders. Nea, who has been exposed to mostly American culture with little memories of their true roots does not understand this arrangement. As a result, she acts out and rebels against her entire family. The climax of the story occurs when Nea makes a daring attempt at saving her sister’s life. Nea’s irresponsible actions lead to an awkward situation for everyone. Nea refuses to believe that Sourdi is simply a busy woman with a child and a home to care for and immediately jumps to the conclusion that her husband is hurting her in some way. Her over active imagination gets her into trouble. She leaves home without telling her mother, lies to Duke about her true ambitions, blames Mr. Chhay for something he did not do, and creates a huge conflict over a slightly distraught phone call from Sourdi. The moment when Duke punches Mr. Chhay is the cultivation of Nea’s ill thought out plan crumbling before her eyes. Her immaturity caused an easily avoidable confrontation. Near the very end of the story, Chai shares Nea’s insight on her situation. â€Å"Sourdi looked at me then, so disappointed. I knew what she was thinking. She has grown up, and I had merely grown unworthy of her love.†(83) Nea finally realized she was being foolish the whole time. Chai’s protagonist in â€Å"Saving Sourdi†, Nea, is naà ¯ve, impulsive, and brash. She is unchanging and narrow-minded. Nea’s journey seems solely based on saving her sister when in actuality she is trying to find excuses to avoid growing up. The tragic hero fabricates false dangers to compensate her desire to be needed by her sister who has moved on with her life. Nea feels abandoned becausen Sourdi matures while she remains a child. Ma and Sourdi remain connected with traditional customs that Nea simply cannot understand due to her exposure to American culture. Her over active imagination, anxiety, and aggression get her into trouble. When Nea tries to rescue Sourdi from her husband, it is the last straw and she knows that she has lost her dear older sister for good. â€Å"She had made her choice, and she hadn’t chosen me.†(84) Sourdi has matured and moved on while Nea is stuck in the memories of her childhood. Works Cited Chai, May-Lee. Dragon Chica: a Novel. Boston, Gemma, 2011. Fichter, M. M. et al. â€Å"Anorexia Nervosa in Greek and Turkish Adolescents.†European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, vol. 237, no. 4, 1988, pp. 200–208.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ricky Watt’s Marketing Plan
1. Evaluate the promotion objectives Rick Wyatt should include in his plan: These following promotion objectives below should include in Rick’s plan: . To increase the number of volunteers to give back to communities . To create an enjoyable working environment to keep the volunteer serving the communities longer . To have extensive diversified trainings so volunteers and members can be aware of what they’re doing . To let the volunteers know they’re respected and are recognized and are safe 2.What promotion methods should he use to achieve those objectives? In order to achieve these objectives, Rick should do the following steps below: . To put ads in the local papers, banner/signs, radio broadcasts, flyers, posters, word of mouth, or walk house to house to advertise the volunteer are always welcome and needed . To have a short 10 minute videorun on the county public safety cable channel that will show the many operations provided by volunteers plus a video to s how that what the Fire Department work and give back to communities .To do fund-raisings to bring capitals so the Fire Department can use these capitals to expand the Department and to award the volunteers . Don't restrict volunteers to be firefighters. Volunteer can do in different levels of medical response/support; rehab roles; and support roles. This method allows the Fire Department to bring on a wider range of people, and they all fill a vital role . Develop and use a formal awards program such as certificates, dinner coupon to let the volunteers know their works are recognized and are respected  .A clear communication keeps firefighters feeling as though they are important to the organization and the service's mission . To have a department-wide picnic in the summer or holiday dinner to bring volunteer and their families together . To connect and offer introductory class with Red Cross meetings or classes, blood drives, food banks, and basic community service places to find the best candidates . To have gym, coffee rooms, entertainment areas in the Fire Department that can bring all members together, to keep members in shape, to create an enjoyable working environment
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Miles Styles essays
Miles Styles essays transcription and analysis by Bart Marantz Miles Davis' original tune So What was first recorded in 1959 on his album Kind of Blue (Columbia CS-8163) with the famed " 56 Quintet". For purposes of comparison, this 1959 debut studio recording and a subsequent 1961 live performance recording of the same tune will be transcribed and analyzed. The conservative tempo of = 138 lends itself well to the cool icy-blue sound of Miles Davis' playing and to the smooth simplicity of statement he observes in this rendition of So What. (The music is available for viewing at the end of the article) Measures 1-10, including the pick-up beat, firmly establish the tone E, which appears one or more times in every measure except measure 6. Even later in measure 14, where he ventures into polytonality by ascending to the eleventh, he still ends the phrase in measure 15 on the tonic. Despite the danger of too much tonic repetition, Miles manages to camouflage and integrate it into a masterful melodic line. In the first five measures of the B section, beginning at measure 17, Miles uses this same technique of emphasizing the tonic to declare the key change to F dorian. In measure 23, he sets up an anticipation of the return to E dorian with the chromatic interplay of Eb and E. However, in this last A section of chorus one, beginning in measure 25, he places less emphasis on tonic E than before and uses, instead, a B on the phrase endings, serving as a smoother transition to the new polytonal sound (D major over E minor) of chorus two. Chorus two is also distinguished by a rhythmic change from the moving eighth note line of chorus one B section to a triadic line marked by half and whole notes. Measures 41-47 are similar in style to measures 1-4. Measure 48, like measure 56, is just another example of a Miles Davis trademark with its anticipation note(s) preceded by silence. The major over minor tonality in measures 48-49 (Eb descending...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Hello World CGI Script in Perl
Hello World CGI Script in Perl A CGI script can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. It could be in Perl, Java, Python or any programming language. At its core, a CGI application simply takes a request via HTTP (typically a web browser) and returns HTML. Lets look at a simple Perl Hello World CGI script and break it down into its simplest forms. Hello World CGI Perl Script #!/usr/bin/perl print Content-type: text/html\n\n; print HTML; html head titleA Simple Perl CGI/title /head body h1A Simple Perl CGI/h1 pHello World/p /body HTML exit; If you run the program on the command line, youll see that it does exactly what youd expect. First, it prints the Content-type line, then it prints the raw HTML. In order to see it in action in a web browser, youll need to copy or upload the script to your web server and make sure the permissions are set correctly (chmod 755 on *nix systems). Once youve set it correctly, you should be able to browse to it and see the page displayed live on your server. The key line is the first print statement: print Content-type: text/html\n\n; This tells the browser that the document coming after the two newlines is going to be HTML. You must send a header so the browser knows what type of document is coming next, and you must include a blank line between the header and the actual document. Once the header is sent, its just a matter of sending the HTML document itself. In the above example, were using a here-doc to simplify printing a large chunk of plain text. Of course, this is really no different than having a plain HTML document sitting on your server. The real power of using a programming language like Perl to create your HTML comes when you add in some fancy Perl programming. Adding on to the Basic Script In the next example, lets take part of this time and date script and add it to your web page. #!/usr/bin/perl months qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); weekDays qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun); ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) localtime(); $year 1900 $yearOffset; $theTime $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year; print Content-type: text/html\n\n; print HTML; html head titleA Simple Perl CGI/title /head body h1A Simple Perl CGI/h1 p$theTime/p /body HTML exit; This new CGI script will insert the current date into the page each time the script is called. In other words, it becomes a dynamic document that changes as the date changes, rather than a static document.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Medication Errors Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Medication Errors - Term Paper Example Whereas medication errors could occur in any given clinical setting, the emergency room presents an even higher risk for medication errors. This follows the fact that ER has unpredictable experiences and is fast-paced. In fact, of the adverse cases reported, 3% occurred in the ER, with medication errors occurring twice as much in ER as compared to inpatient setting (Ehsani et al., 2013). Furthermore, over 75% of visits to the ER entail the administration or prescription of medications, with the US recording over 210 million medication encounters in the ER annually (Dabaghzadeh et al., 2013). With this elevated risk, it would be important to find appropriate solutions for medication errors in ER.A multidisciplinary approach should be undertaken to curb medication errors in ER, coupled with systems-related changes. The national database would provide appropriate data to identify the trend and nature of medication errors and thus assist members to identify and undertake appropriate prev entive measures. Some of these measures as documented by Anderson and Townsend (2010) and FDA (2013) include computerized order entry systems, bar-coding systems, standardizing processes of medication use and automated dispensing cabinets among others. Even with these propositions, I believe that curbing medication errors entails the development of an appropriate culture that would promote the reporting of medication errors and non-punitive and systematic error elimination approaches.
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