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Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Lively Art Of Writing Questions English Language Essay
The Lively Art Of Writing Questions English Language Essay 1) The difference between an opinion and a fact is that an opinion can be used as the main topic of an essay. It is based on partial knowledge of a subject where the writer thinks what seems true. In a fact, however, the statements are based on absolute certainty and can be proven if needed to. Facts can not be used as an essay topic since no sides exist, meaning no people to persuade. 2) Although facts do not make admirable essay topics, they do provide the needed support for an opinion. If an essay is purely based on personal feelings, nothing is available to prove those emotions. What is needed are strong facts which can show the reader the impartial aspects of the main idea. 3) Opinions may prove a writers viewpoint, but not all of them are created equal. In terms of writing an essay, a more detailed opinion (more than just a yes or no answer) is preferred. This makes the topic more interesting to read and forces the writer think in a less general perspective. The legitimacy of the opinion is also considered when it comes down to quality. A writer needs a statement that creates controversy to stir up interest. An opinion that is generally accepted to be true would not be a topic to choose since hardly any factual evidence would exist to support the opposition. 4) Assuming a writer has all the background information needed, an essay topic on an American foreign policy would be a great choice. In this opinion, one nation is enforcing a rule based in another country. This would pull people from both America and the foreign country to either oppose or support this policy. With the numerous amount of people involved, controversy will be unavoidable. This controversy plays a key role in the topic since people will be interested and want to see how this policy will support/oppose their own views. 5) Of the five groups of topics, only one from each group would make a strong topic. In the first group (A-D), Sewing as a Hobby would be the better choice since people have different viewpoints on how sewing is a hobby. The variety of topics in sewing would also give the writer the work of narrowing the topic down to a single or few aspects. In group E-H, the choice would be Driver Training Programs Cost Too Much. This is an excellent topic for both support and opposition and for looking though the viewpoints of multiple people, such as students, parents, or other people in a community. The winner of best topic in the third group (I-J) would go to Moby Dick, Americas Greatest novel. This statement would relate to anyone who has read the novel and has created an opinion on the quality of it. Using these opinions, interest would be created and people would gladly voice their love/hate for the classic. In choices M-P, the best topic would be High Points in American Literature. Great am ounts of literature have been composed in American history and that would bring out numerous high points. People will have their views on which should be crowned best. In the final group (Q-T), The Student Council is Outmoded would be the choice since this would stir up views from teachers, students, and parents. Depending on their likings of the student council, they would strongly support or oppose it since this audience would have a strong view on what is best for the students. 6) The chief difference between a typical term paper and an essay is that an essay is mainly a persuasive piece of writing. In it, the writer writes on a certain topic which reflects his/her opinions. In a term paper, however, the writer is mainly focused on providing the facts in order to tell about a subject. 7) A. Edison Invented the Electric-Light Bulb would be a poor essay topic since that is a fact and it can be proven without much effort. B. The weakness of Teachers Should Explain Things More Clearly is that this topic is too emotional. Hardly any facts that would prove this true. C. No weakness lies in the topic Science Has Influenced Modern Life. D. Safe Driving Should be Encouraged is another weak topic as this statement is supported by a vast majority of people. It would be ridiculous go against safe driving. E. Although The Responsibilities of Students may seem like a feasible topic, it is actually quite poor since varieties of responsibilities exist and they can mostly be agreed on by everyone. Chapter Two 1) The difference between a thesis and an opinion is that an opinion is a broad idea. This cannot be used as a strong basis for an essay, but when it is condensed down to a specific point, it becomes a thesis. A thesis, now with all excess information cut away, is now ready to become a main point of an essay. 2) To narrow down an opinion to a thesis, five steps are required. The first step is to take inventory, and that means to take into consideration all that is known about the topic. After seeing all the information available, ask questions that derive from the opinion. Make sure that the questions asked are still related to the topic. When a question that seems appeasing is found, look for relationships between this question and the original opinion. Try to find what commonalities they share and search for statements that can be used as a thesis. Then ask the yes-or-no question; if both a supportive and negative statement can be given, then it is on its way to becoming a thesis. The final step in the process is to qualify the statement by narrowing it down. Choose which point to write on and specify a degree of support/opposition. 3) The value of a yes-or-no question is small when it is viewed as a an essay topic, but is very useful in finding a proper thesis. The question will help define a particular viewpoint, which is the basis of growth to a more specific statement. It will also help determine whether or not the statement is appropriate for use as a thesis. 4) Qualification of a thesis is important since that is where the the feelings toward an opinion come in. Qualifying outlines the degree of support or opposition, thus it helps guide the writer on the right path when writing an essay. This process is also useful for looking at both sides of an opinion and it can help the writer take them into consideration. Chapter Three 1) The three elements that create a full thesis are the statement itself, the supporting points, and the opposing points. 2) In writing, the full thesis is related to the psychology of an argument since the goal of a thesis is to persuade, just like how one tries win in an argument. Arguments arent won just by pure factual information nor is it won by emotions alone. The thesis statement highlights the main view of an argument, thus taking a stand. Then the use of both the supporting and opposing statements are used to persuade the reader/opposition. With these two sides, the persuader can use factual information along with some opposing statements, in an attempt to win by including facts with a hint of emotion. 3) The full thesis statement should be kept in view when writing since this prevents the writer from steering off into another topic. It also reminds the writer of the degree of the thesis and in turn, this ensures the appropriate details are being added into the essay. 4) When writing an essay, a full thesis should be followed as much as possible, but it is possible to have some leeway. The thesis should only be used as a guide since there should always be creativity in a paper. Following this guideline is great for beginning writers, but as experience racks in, it will be normal for writers to sway away from following a strict guideline. Chapter Four 1) An essay needs a concluding paragraph since it ties all of the middle section together. It brings the essay to a formal close, thus leaving the reader with satisfaction. 2) The introduction helps write the conclusion since the format of the two paragraphs are very similar. The introduction starts out broad and narrows down to a point (the thesis). In a conclusion, however, the thesis expands out into the broad subject used in the introduction. Therefore, the writer can look at the introduction and then use the information to help plan out the conclusion. 3) It is likely that the introduction will have to be rewritten since the middle is not necessarily completely based off of the thesis. Ideas will frequently change throughout the writing process, thus the intro could then become inaccurate. It must be revised to fit the new middle section before the conclusion is made since it is significantly based off of the introduction. 4) The structure of a conclusion is the exact reverse as that of the introduction. It starts out at a specific point (thesis) and gradually works its way to become a vague idea. Instead of trying to prove a point in the middle, it is tying in (restating) the middle section. 5) Every time an idea from the middle is used in the conclusion, it rings a bell in the readers mind. The reader recognizes this statement from the essay and is thus once reminded. This will be an effect that prolongs the memory of the ideas listed in the essay. 6) A person can summarize without listing by using references to the middle text or introduction. Instead of listing the points, talk about the significant points, thus the reader is reminded and the deadly three point conclusion is not used. 7) To broaden a conclusion means to get more vague in a subject until the broad point is reached (which would be the idea used in the beginning of the introduction). The writer reviews what was stated in the preceding starting form the first sentence in the conclusion, therefore the writer begins to talk more vaguely. Chapter Five 1) Style in writing is similar to style in any other kind of activity since it takes time to create. Just like how athletes train to get skill and gracefulness, a writer must train to get his own expertise. Style also is what stands out to the audience. Similar to how people admire different athletes for different traits, readers will learn to respect a writers method. 2) It is important to learn what not to do in writing since that is how the writer gains experience. If a writer was told only what to do, he can make numerous mistakes and not even notice it, as they are abiding by the to do rules. He must be told what not to do in case of the multiple times that this event might take place. Just like in bowling, the person is told to roll the ball to try to knock all of the pins down. If he is not informed to not cross the line, then he could walk over it and not know the consequence until its too late. 3) Two rules that shall be applied to my writing is to only use third person and to never use the word there. 4) The use of a personal pronoun weakens a statement since it gives the reader a sense of the writers uncertainty such as in the sentence I believe that animal cruelty is wrong. If no pronoun is used, then the writer is giving a sense of command and confidence just like in Animal cruelty is wrong. 5) To substitute first and third person means to revise a statement so that only a third persons point of view is used. The process usually involves cutting out the personal parts if it is substituting for a first person view and rewording if for a second person view. 6) The elimination of the word there forces writers to use better verbs since it requires thought to fill in the blank space. Leaving the space blank would usually mean a boring sentence. It is best filled with an action verb to give the sentence life.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Communication Issues in the Workplace
Running head: THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION IN THE The Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace Christina Springer University of Phoenix The Importance of Effective Communication in the Workplace Introduction Anyone in a work environment having an understanding of what good effective Intercultural communication in the workplace entails will enhance every person’s ability to experience a successful and professional work experience. People can be exposed to misunderstandings in the workplace due to conflict of interests. These conflicts of interests can be rooted from a variety of cultural differences among distinctive ethnic backgrounds other than our own, and international individuals who are in our country solely for education or temporary work. Lack of proper understanding or skills of diversity in the workplace can cause many discrepancies among coworkers. People live in an increasingly complex world. One element of this complexity is the mixing of different cultures, languages and faiths. Within the business world intercultural communication is vital for success. Effective communication between colleagues from different cultural backgrounds ensures a team is working harmoniously. (The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication, Â ¶ 1) Situation There was a Caucasian tall skinny man with glasses who worked as a Deejay in West Virginia while attending West Virginia University. He was part German with somewhat of an accent. He had previous experience with all genres of music. His plan was to finish school and return to Germany to pursue his dream of being an internationally known Deejay. He was invited to a national hip hop celebration to perform as an artist and as a Deejay. The coordinator informed the African American Deejay’s that there would be a Caucasian Deejay coming to assist with them at the job. When he arrived to the celebration, there was a huge table of all African American Deejay’s setting up their equipment. He was told by the coordinator to set up as soon as he arrived there. So he walked up to the table of Deejay’s and they started laughing at him. They made fun of him and ridiculed him thinking it was a joke that he came to Deejay. They made fun of his appearance and did not take him serious. He went to the coordinator and told the coordinator the situation. The coordinator came over to the table of Deejay’s and explained that he was one of the Deejay’s to be performing and to clear a space for his equipment as they would not do before. Without hesitation they apologized and cleared a space for the German Deejay to set up his equipment. Diagnosis Conflict is a clash of values that is a common occurrence in the workplace. (Teo, 2006, December 13, Â ¶ 1) In this particular situation the Deejay’s at the national celebration being all African American may have misjudged the German Deejay for his appearance and accent. They may have underestimated his ability to Deejay effectively based off of his appearance of different culture and his accent. Because this was a hip hop celebration they seemed to have assumed that he was incapable of livening up the crowd. This common situation of conflict needs to be addressed more in any workplace. More often executives are expected to work internationally, hence business and social contacts between people of various nationalities increased. As these people come from disparate cultural backgrounds, geographical barriers gave way to communication barriers that lead to tensions and conflicts. Teo, Â ¶ 2) The important for leaders of any organization properly to train its employees of cultural differences and how to handle situations that may arise is increasingly important. The coordinator may have not properly informed the German Deejay of what he would be exposed to during this particular job. As a result it was somewhat of a culture shock for the German Deejay . This was a culture shock for the German Deejay especially not knowing what to think or expect. If the coordinator would have notified the African American Deejay’s of the complete extent of the German/Caucasian man’s nationality or description it would have made it easier for everyone involved at the job. The African American Deejay’s were use to working with other African American Deejay’s experienced in hip hop only. The German Deejay felt like an outcast when the African American Deejay’s made fun of him and nonverbally displayed he was unwelcomed by not clearing a space for his equipment due to their poor lack of judgment. Solutions Any person being of a different ethnicity in a completely different country can expect to experience a conflict of interest at any workplace unfortunately. A decision to be made upon the leaders of the organization to enhance its entire employee’s of the importance of diversity skills and how it can lead to success. If the coordinator would have informed the African American Deejay’s of the nationality, talent, skills, and capabilities of the German Deejay then perhaps the African American Deejay’s would have been more welcoming to the German Deejay. The German Deejay could have gone to the human resources department of the organization and he or she could offer help for this situation. Any coordinator of any national event should always inform its employees of any possibility of conflicts of interests or lack of understanding of misjudgments that may occur and how to handle a situation like that. In order to come to appreciate and understand people from different cultures, empathy is vital. Through putting yourself in someone else's shoes he or she will come to see or appreciate their point of view. The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication, Â ¶ 5) Everyone makes or has assumptions about others. Assumptions are beliefs rather than objective truth and are usually influenced by a number of subjective factors. (The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication, Â ¶ 3) Any employee of any workplace must take interest to understand the differences between cultural norms, beliefs, and values within each culture and that they are all d istinctive. People should always respect other cultures in order to create a civil and fair work environment. Conclusion Diversity skills are very important to have in any work environment. Without efficient knowledge or understanding of other cultures and the capabilities of behavior from one culture to the next, conflicts of interest may arise. If employees and leaders can work together to access and prevent any bad situation from happening it would be beneficial to the organization as well as the employee's. Regardless of the ethnic background of a person, monitoring our own behavior can always be a way of building opportunities and the ability to enhance strengths of comprehending the importance of eing equipped with proper knowledge on the expansion of diversity among worker's anywhere. References Teo, A. (2006, December 13). Intercultural Conflict in the Workplace: Every Organization’s Nightmare. Ezine Articles. Retrieved from http://ezinearticles. com/? Intercultural-Conflict-in-the-Workplace:-every-Organizations-Nightmare=385503 The Six Steps to Intercultural Communication. (). Kwintesse ntial. Retrieved from http://www. kwintessential. co. uk/cultural-services/articles/intercultural-communication. html
Friday, January 10, 2020
Learning Style and Brain Dominance
When analyzing the three mentioned ways of learning patterns, they portrayed auditory learners as the best listeners, and usually reads out loud which help them recall what they read. People with a â€Å"Kinesthetic†learning pattern are usually hands on, they are described as the people who will take things apart and put them back together in order to recall what they learned. They are also very fond of using body gestures when they talk. â€Å"Visual†was also mentioned as one of the main learning patterns, people who fall under this category usually recall what they learn by recollecting visual images, and they tend to be very detail oriented.As all our fingers are not equal, neither is our personality. Everyone has their own comfort zone when it comes to learning. When taking the brain dominance test, I felt I have a combination of both. My final score said something different; it put me more on the right side. I guess we can say the brain is who we are; it controls your being and portrays your personality. I guess that is why we have choices because if we all use the same part of the brain we would understand each other and get along, I am not sure if that would be a fun world, we need the pros and cons of life that is why we cannot think and do things equally.Left brainers are said to be very logical and detailed oriented, while right brainers always views and analyze things with the bigger picture, they are auditory and sometimes detail oriented. My knowledge of brain dominance and learning style will affect my professional life by directing me toward the professions and roles which would make best use of analytical ability and attention to detail. The one thing I have not done is try to figure out my comfort zone when it comes to learning, but with this study I am going to be able to assess myself better to see where I fall short when it comes to learning.I am going to start making a better judgment call; I think it is very important to un derstand how to be able to help another. I am going to make it a point to use this new knowledge to access my personal and professional life to make it better and less stressful. This assessment will enable me to enhance my personal life by bringing to level of conscious realization not all people view things in the same way that I do and so it will help me ngage them to understand them for better team effort in both personal and career perspective. I believe knowing that everyone thinks and do things differently, as a manager; it will help me control any emotion that gets in the way of my management. As we are all human and have feelings, when it comes to the professional life, emotions are to be set aside which is very hard to do sometimes. Assessing yourself and knowing who you are will help control emotions when it comes to managing employees at the work placeTo conclude, whether â€Å"Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic†, we are all unique in a way so we just need to find wh o we are and what best works for us and approach life as we learn about ourselves the best way possible. I will utilize this new found knowledge to effectively engage others in an attempt to build better relationships and enhance communication; I will use this knowledge to foster acceptance and understanding of those who view the world from a perspective other than my own Learning Style and Brain Dominance When analyzing the three mentioned ways of learning patterns, they portrayed auditory learners as the best listeners, and usually reads out loud which help them recall what they read. People with a â€Å"Kinesthetic†learning pattern are usually hands on, they are described as the people who will take things apart and put them back together in order to recall what they learned. They are also very fond of using body gestures when they talk. â€Å"Visual†was also mentioned as one of the main learning patterns, people who fall under this category usually recall what they learn by recollecting visual images, and they tend to be very detail oriented.As all our fingers are not equal, neither is our personality. Everyone has their own comfort zone when it comes to learning. When taking the brain dominance test, I felt I have a combination of both. My final score said something different; it put me more on the right side. I guess we can say the brain is who we are; it controls your being and portrays your personality. I guess that is why we have choices because if we all use the same part of the brain we would understand each other and get along, I am not sure if that would be a fun world, we need the pros and cons of life that is why we cannot think and do things equally.Left brainers are said to be very logical and detailed oriented, while right brainers always views and analyze things with the bigger picture, they are auditory and sometimes detail oriented. My knowledge of brain dominance and learning style will affect my professional life by directing me toward the professions and roles which would make best use of analytical ability and attention to detail. The one thing I have not done is try to figure out my comfort zone when it comes to learning, but with this study I am going to be able to assess myself better to see where I fall short when it comes to learning.I am going to start making a better judgment call; I think it is very important to un derstand how to be able to help another. I am going to make it a point to use this new knowledge to access my personal and professional life to make it better and less stressful. This assessment will enable me to enhance my personal life by bringing to level of conscious realization not all people view things in the same way that I do and so it will help me ngage them to understand them for better team effort in both personal and career perspective. I believe knowing that everyone thinks and do things differently, as a manager; it will help me control any emotion that gets in the way of my management. As we are all human and have feelings, when it comes to the professional life, emotions are to be set aside which is very hard to do sometimes. Assessing yourself and knowing who you are will help control emotions when it comes to managing employees at the work placeTo conclude, whether â€Å"Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic†, we are all unique in a way so we just need to find wh o we are and what best works for us and approach life as we learn about ourselves the best way possible. I will utilize this new found knowledge to effectively engage others in an attempt to build better relationships and enhance communication; I will use this knowledge to foster acceptance and understanding of those who view the world from a perspective other than my own
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Intimation of Disparity Leading to Rising Poverty - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1152 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Poverty Essay Did you like this example? Ever since a society, or a country, was formed there have been various social and political issues such as brutal wars, murders, racial and gender inequality, Fair elections along the Voter Rights, and of course, poverty, which about forty-percent of the world population experience for a painfully prolonged time. The research on youth poverty that Karen Moore, Participant in Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC), have made the readers to dexterously understand why peoples knowing the causes to youth poverty are of paramount importance to prevent the financial disparity. The argument is said to be elucidated and furthered through empirical data, with a focus on the developing world, particularly in South-East Asia. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Intimation of Disparity Leading to Rising Poverty" essay for you Create order Throughout the paper, Karen Moore explains a few different reasons that are causing both adult and youth poverty, and provides the readers with persuasive elements that bolster her arguments as to why poverty has been endlessly continuing and why people should find solutions. Karen Moore uses the phrase Born poor, stay poor, as to introduce the first reasoning to poverty. She claims that if a child is born under a parental poverty, that child is going to experience a childhood poverty which will lead to possible socioeconomic and physiologic damages that persist over the life-course; moreover, there will be another adult poverty being inherited to the children while continuing the devastating cycle. Unexpectedly, she states that it is not feasible for impoverished parents to prevent their children from undergoing poverty, although, it is necessary to gradually improve the given circumstances before their children fully develop. Karen Moore then states that an absence of parent of guardianship will cause about 99.55% of children to suffer and make terrible choices (Moore 11), and the only coherent solution to this is foster care. Concluding the first reasoning, Karen Moore effectively depicts the severity of on-going intergenerational-transmitted poverty a nd why it gets more difficult to prevent or reverse the cycle later in life by using a chart and line graphs along the fact; Yaqub (2000) reports that in the USA people who have been in poverty for more than four years have a 90% probability of remaining poor the rest of their lives (Moore 15). The specific data that she has provided clearly shows the importance of preventing the childhood poverty before a child fully develops; furthermore, if the shortage and famine are not averted, there will be an extreme repercussion to the children. While arguing the factors that cause life-course poverty, the author aptly uses an appeal to logic and reasoning by providing appropriate facts in an attempt to persuade the reader to understand why breaking the reversing cycle of poverty is imperative. Karen Moore asserts that a lack of sufficient education and gender discrimination is another key constraint to peoples livelihood, particularly for girls. Based on the research she has given, the most underdeveloped countries such as, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, and Cambodia, provide minimum primary education to thriving children which is why these a myriad of citizens of these countries suffer from shortages. During her research in these countries, Karen Moore has concluded that In Vietnam, almost 30%, and In the Philippines, almost 20% of 20-24-year-old women only had a primary education (Moore 16). In Indonesia, the dearth of learning opportunities and wealth lead women to marry before fully completing their primary educations. These statistics discretely illustrate the gender inequality along the explanations to extensive poverty that Karen Moore was solely focusing on. She adequately hints the readers that amongst all ages and genders, young women between the age of twenty to twenty-four suffer the most to cogently depict the life of women painfully living without having educational background along the youth poverty that they have grown in. In fact, her research highlights that sons are clearly favored in terms of both land inheritance and educations while daughters focus on marriages; however, she mostly uses an appeal to emotions to acquire sympathy from the readers and support that youth poverty should be prevented at all costs. Karen Moore also bolsters her arguments by dexterously using dictions such as, more studious, patient, willing to sacrifice, and interested in their studies (Moore 17) to describe the women who are unable to learn due to gender inequality and poverty. The author finalizes her contention by pointing out the last prominent component in youth poverty: The intergenerational transmission of poverty via nutrition can begin in utero (Moore 19) Despite being a discernible logic, Karen Moore asserts that the child of an abundantly nourished mother develops physically faster and better than that of a deprived mother in order to highlight the evidence of an estimated 30 million infants are born each year in developing countries with impaired growth due to poor nutrition during fetal life (ACC/SCN 2000) (Moore 19). These children with impediments will painfully face adversities when learning educations and finding positions to make money; moreover, these factors will lead to an adult poverty while creating the prolonged cycle of destitution which was discussed in the opening of the authors research paper. Karen Moore then further advances her argument to hint that young women with anemic or stunted health status, due to malnutrition, is likel y to be underdeveloped for childbirth, and face significantly high rate of maternal and child mortality. Unfortunately, both adult and child malnutrition due to poverty has been an immense social problem which led over 150 million pre-school children to be underweight and over 200 million children stunted (James Commission 2000) (Moore 19). Karen Moore reiterates that childhood deprivation does not always lead to lifelong poverty but in order to interrupt the cycle of life-course poverty, the socio-economic opportunities and adaption are indispensable; however, this solution also becomes futile and difficult with age, as both socio-economic and biological disadvantage accumulate. Karen Moore adroitly makes a distinct connection between malnutrition and poverty by providing persuasive data and logic as well as sharing relevant charts and sources; moreover, she shows a great understanding of the causes and solutions to chronic destitution. Youth poverty is undoubtedly a serious problem in society because of the large numbers of children living in absolute destitution in currently developing countries â€Å" Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Cambodia. Throughout her research paper, Karen Moore has argued that youth poverty should be viewed more seriously because youth are more likely to experience poverty compared to other age groups reason being that the dynamism and anxieties surrounding the transition from child to adulthood or due to gender discrimination. Karen Moore dexterously uses appeal to logic and emotions as well as diction to bolster her arguments. In the concluding paragraph, she also made concessions by asserting that it is not always the case that youth are disproportionately poor (Moore 23); however, the truth is that out of 7.2 billion of the world population, about forty percent suffer from poverty, especially children. Karen Moore made a great research and well states her claims as to what ar e the factors causing poverty and why people should understand the enormity and seriousness behind this social issue.
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