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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Against Super PACs Essay - 1606 Words

The next presidential election will be one like no one has ever seen before in terms of campaign funding and expenses. Even now, the GOP Presidential Primary races are already showing signs of how money will not be an object for their presidential candidate. The seemingly limitless budget exists for these candidates thanks to the so-called Super PACs (Political Action Committees). These Super PACs are allowed to come up with independent financing for the presidential campaign, sans any budgetary ceilings. The inner workings of such a committee has left a bad taste in the mouths of the voters even though very little is known about the actual history and reasons for the existence of the Super PACS. This paper will delve into the committees†¦show more content†¦That is one reason why the public has come to reject the idea of the Super PACs. It has the turned the political campaign into a shallow, reality television, mud-slinging type of contest from which the candidates can nev er return. The ads being run in the newspapers, television, and radio stations cost these candidates and Super PACs money that could have been used for better political means such as contributions to charitable organizations by the candidates or their support groups on their behalf. That sort of act would have had a greater political impact upon the voting public than an ad campaign explaining the ills of Newt Gingrich. Even more sickening, is the fact that most of the candidates will feign knowledge of participation in any negative campaign movements because of the independent nature of the Super PACs. The candidate can deny any involvement in the act all the while coordinating with his Super PAC under the radar of mass media. These negative campaigns leave the candidate free and clear of any involvement as all the Super PAC has to do is run the ad with a clear disclaimer absolving the candidate the ad supports of any wrong doing because the ad was not sanctioned by the candidate o r political party. In other words, Super PACs gives a voice to people with money. All corporations that have money to give, are giving millions and millions of dollars to the candidates across the board. Independent voters dont have that money to donate, so theirShow MoreRelatedSuper Pacs : The New Kind Of Committee That Operates Politically945 Words   |  4 PagesBrianna Goodman Proliferated in 2010, Super PACs have played an immensely influential role in the outcomes of elections and collective action. Super PACs are a new kind of committee that operates politically. As reported by opensecrets.org, Super PACs acquire any amount of donated money in a phenomenon that aggregates towards a fund â€Å"to advocate for or against political candidates and must report their donors to the Federal Election Commission on a monthly or quarterly basis†. They are not allowedRead MoreThe Super Pac940 Words   |  4 Pagesfactors such as money, power, and connections that are questioned and accessed within these groups. PACS or Political Action Committees are involved. Yet, there is another form of PACs that are named â€Å"Super PACS† where unlimited funds are raised (We the People). The â€Å"Super Pac† strategy should be outlawed by the government so it will not abuse its devoted followers. 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These organizations are allowed t o receive any amount of money from any person or organization, which they can they allot towards their own support of a political candidate. A good example of this would be Mitt Romney’s Super PAC entitled â€Å"Restore America,† which spent over twelve million dollars launching an ad campaign that attacked Newt Gingrich (MacMillen). These new Super PACs haveRead MoreGlobal Economy And The American Dream1286 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics it’s easy to see today, that world politics are in turmoil. Oil prices have sunk to record lows, putting regions in the Middle East, Russia, and South America in economic crisis. On top of that the whole global economy is in a recession; pushing super powers such as the United States, China, and the European union to take action. All across the world the wealth gap is widening. It seems like for every new billionaire there are another million people in poverty dying of disease. Our one saving graveRead MoreThe Daily Show On The Congressional Record1258 Words   |  6 Pageshealth and financial aid to ill 9/11 workers, which was known as the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act. However, the bill did not pass because Democrats were incapable to break a Republican filibuster against the bill. The vote was 57 in favor of closing the debate and 42 against, but 60 votes were needed for the bill to go to an up-or-down vote. Republican Congressmen were concerned about the $7.4 billion bill cost, and the way the money would be spent. John Feal was one of the firstRead MoreJudges Should Be Appointed For Preserve Judicial Independence1121 Words   |  5 Pagesshould have the right to choose who is best for them. An election by the people sounds like a fair and trustworthy method, but ultimately, large corporations pump millions into Super PACs to ensure their choice candidate is elected. Judicial elections are often exposed to attacks from special interest groups and Super PACs, thus sometimes making an uneven and corrupt playing field. The fates of fair and impartial courts are at stake, and they should not be for sale. The scary concept that courtsRead MoreThe Debate Of Corruption Versus Free Speech1594 Words   |  7 PagesOver time unions and corporations would evolve their tactics in financing campaigns by creating political action committees (PACs). These PACs were basically cooperation entities that developed separately but were funded by the corporation and employees of the corporation, in order to influence the outcome of elections. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century, PACs had a lot of power in influencing voters, and swaying elections (Hughes 1:25-3:10). In the early 1970’s the federal governmentRead MoreThe Court s View Of The Election Process767 Words   |  4 Pagesno evidence supports the idea that candidates bend to contributors’ pressure. However, as this law sets deeper in our jurisprudence and Super PACs feel more comfortable supporting candidates, some people might start suspecting that candidates are bending to donors’ pressure. This suspicion could arise simply from knowing the millions of dollars that Super PACs spend supporting candidates. The average person only has a limited amount of hard earned money to spend on goods and services. They onlyRead MoreMoney Politics : Finding A Fair Approach For Campaigns1319 Words   |  6 PagesNot only are these commercials annoying and help to create a negative connotation for the campaigning time, but give the people a false interpretation of different candidates. Most of these are not paid for by the prospective candidates but rather Super PACs that support the candidate â€Å"without other motives.† With the growing partisan between â€Å"ordinary† people and politicians it is of the upmost importance that everyone is fairly represented. But with the ever growing social, political, and financial

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